What Careers are Available for Those With an Online Business Degree Specializing in Information Systems?

An online business degree specializing in information systems is often a start for choosing a career path in a diverse, in-demand field. Information systems professionals are increasingly essential for the successful operations of every type of business.

An Overview of Information Systems

Information systems help create a connection between the management operations and the technological operations of a business, combining knowledge of hardware and software with an understanding of organizations and people to effectively develop and deliver information, process data, and complete every type of business operation from financial management to product development. For additional information, visit the Association for Information Systems at aisnet.org.

Many skills are necessary to be successful within the field. Some of the top skills related to the profession are mathematical and scientific knowledge, system design ability, communication, critical and creative thinking, preparing reports, investigation and research, assessment and evaluation, and computer programming. These skills can be developed in an online business degree program with a specialization in information systems.

Management and Business Operations Positions

In addition to general education credits, students pursuing a degree in business with a specialization in information systems will typically complete a third of required credits in business core curriculum classwork. This builds a foundation of general business knowledge to gain an understanding of basic operations and management. Examples of common courses include applied business skills, logistics, business law, marketing, operations management, and strategic management.

Some of the possibilities for careers in the management area of the field include production manager, logistics manager, inventory manager, information technology manager, operations manager, online services manager, and network administration manager.

Non-management positions include consultant, auditor, communications specialist, inventory control specialist, production planner, operations researcher, product development, internet marketing analyst, and investment analyst.

Technology-Based Positions

The benefit of a specialization in a particular area of a general degree like business is that a graduate is well-prepared to enter the workforce with advanced knowledge. This is also true in information systems. Students pursuing a degree with a specialization in information systems will complete courses such as data structures, object-oriented systems analysis, database systems, electronic systems, and business data communications.

Career possibilities in the technology area of business information systems include programmer, PC support specialist, operating systems programmer, internet developer, data security analyst, data communications analyst, computer systems hardware analyst, software engineering specialist, and applications programmer.

Qualification for the technical positions, in particular, is largely based on the degree received and what specific coursework has been completed. The more technical courses that are completed, the more qualified a graduate will be for finding positions in this area of the field.

Additional Certifications for Business Information Systems Professionals

Another benefit of an online business degree with a specialization in information systems is the preparation gained for obtaining professional certifications. Examples include the Certified Information Systems Security Professional and Certified Information Systems Auditor.

Information systems offers opportunities for a wide range of possibilities for careers, allowing professionals to choose from positions in management, technology, or business operations. With an online business degree specializing in information systems, graduates are have the knowledge and skills for these careers.