Conducting research into factors that affect the business climate is a primary objective of graduates who have an online business degree specializing in business economics. By analyzing data on inflation, energy and employment levels, a business economist can recommend policies for public and private sectors of the economy. Monitoring economic trends helps economists make forecasts that influence the future course of business. A bachelor’s degree is acceptable by 32 percent of employers, according to statistics developed by the National Association for Business Economists.
Developing Strategic Corporate Plans
Corporations need business economists who can balance research and speculation to recommend policies that affect marketing and the ways that a corporation’s image affects potential buyers. Understanding all aspects of a company’s products and reputation provides a basis for recommendations that can improve profitability. Recommending a path that moves a company from current practices to new methodologies challenges a business economist to use a combination of research and creative financial solutions.
Guiding the Public Sector
States and counties within them often depend on business economists to develop data that attracts new companies to an area. Conducting an analysis of development trends involves research into the real estate market for commercial properties, demographic data, employment levels and taxation. By researching online databases for census data, labor market statistics and the latest census results, a business economist can assist the private sector in improving local economies.
Working in the Financial Sector
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation insures about 7,500 banks in the United States. The loan departments in local banks need skilled economists who can manage risk to ensure profitability. Working with various management levels to gather information about current policies requires a person who has an online degree in business with a specialty in business economics to apply academic training to real world situations. Loans are an important revenue source for local banks when they are based on solid research. Communication skills help bank economists learn from experienced members of a mortgage staff and to prepare advisory reports for management.
Helping Clients Plan a Financial Future
Academic training educates business economist undergraduates in financial matters and enables them to advise clients on facts that may seem simple. However, most people do not have access to academic training in financial matters, making it necessary for them to seek guidance from a knowledgeable graduate in the field. Some clients may need assistance in setting up a budget while investment strategies are essential for others. Providing recommendations on smart ways to handle estate plans, taxation, market portfolios, real estate portfolios and life insurance is a needed service in consulting firms.
Applying economic theory in a practical way is a specialized skill that makes business economists valuable to corporations, the public sector and individual clients. The knowledge that graduates of online business programs acquire enables them to meet the demand for business economics and to have access to challenging careers.