Online business degree scholarships drop the cost that students pay for their schooling. Online programs are naturally less expensive than traditional programs because tuition costs are lower and you don’t need to leave on campus. When money is tight though, you might need some extra help paying for your books and other supplies. Schools and organizations now offer scholarships that are available for business students taking one or more of their courses online.
School Scholarships
Before you apply for a single scholarship, get in touch with your school. When you apply for admission, the school will require that you complete the FAFSA, which is a federal form that looks at how much money you or your parents make and how much money you can afford to spend on your education. The school uses your answers on that form to determine if you qualify for grants or student loans. After completing the form, ask the school about scholarships for online business schools. Many schools offer small scholarships that pay a few hundred dollars, and some schools offer scholarships that cover your entire tuition.
Scholarships for Minorities
Online business degree scholarships are also available for minorities. You typically need to explain that you’re a minority student when you complete your FAFSA and application for admission. Minority students refer to any student who isn’t a male Caucasian and can include African American students and female students. There are even scholarships designed for students who fall into smaller categories, including those who are over a certain height, those with red hair and left-handed students. Some of these scholarships give students thousands of dollars, while other programs give them a few hundred dollars.
Distance Learning Scholarships
According to U.S. News & World Report, there are at least three scholarships available for distance learning students. The SR Education Group’s Guide to Online Schools offers four scholarships of $2,000 each, which the organization gives to students who meet different sets of criteria. You qualify for one of those scholarships if you are a female student, in the military, are a single parent or attend a community college and take classes online. Other similar scholarships are available for current online students. Those programs award cash prizes of $1,000 or more to students with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and are currently enrolled in an online program.
Applying for Financial Aid
With so many different online business degree scholarships now available, you might feel a little confused about your next step. After making a list of the programs that interest you, write down the due date for applications and the requirements of the program. Some programs require that you write a 500 or 1,000 word essay, while others ask for a copy of your transcript. Apply to each program you qualify for, and make sure that you apply for those scholarships prior to the due date.
Online business degree programs cost anywhere from a few thousand dollars to $20,000 or more each year. Online business degree scholarships help you pay for tuition and any other costs that you face, including a new computer or software that you use in your business program.
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